Friday, January 30, 2009

Intelligender says...


I thought this was a cute little test to take to see if it was right. You can take it as soon as 10 weeks pregnant, and it supposedly tells you if you're having a girl or boy. Mine was all boy when I took it this morning, but apparently it can be inaccurate if you have had a boy before (I hear about it AFTER I buy it :) )
But I really think it's just a cup of drain-o... so it probably is a 50/50 shot.
I guess we'll see in 10 weeks if it was right!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Silly time

Just being cute with Dadda.

Where's the airplane?

Smartest little cutie.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

10 weeks

I decided I'm going to take a picture every other week for now, since not too much changes. But it is definitely looking like a baby belly :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So in Love

I just had my 10 week prenatal appointment this morning. I have only gained 2 lbs. in the past 10 weeks, which is much better than last time! (phew!)
AND I got to hear the heartbeat!! She found it on the doppler right away, and it was just beating away. So fast and so cute :)
It makes this feel so much more real now. I love this little one so much already.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bed head balloon boy

Parker woke up from his afternoon nap with the crazy bed head. We left it like that when we went out, and it ended up being super cute!

We bought Parker a balloon at the store, and he insisted on bringing it into the bath tub. It clearly makes him happy :)

Oh, and we went to dinner in Arroyo Grande, and a little boy walked in while we were ordering, and said "baby" - while pointing at Parker. The little boy came over and gave him a hug. Parker loved it. It was the cutest thing! They became buds.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Garrett might kill me...

If I make us eat pizza one more time this month! Tonight was a Costco run (best cheap pizza ever!), last week we ordered it in, we went to CPK on Sunday, and I snuck a few bites of Guiseppe's pizza in today with my mom and Parker. Geeze, that kind of is a lot! That's all I've been wanting lately, and he can only handle once or twice every couple weeks. Sorry babe, meat and potatoes from now on!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Parker was eating cheerios with milk this morning in the living room. He was eating like such a big boy until he decided it would be fun to splash around in the milk. I told him "no" and took the bowl away. He looked at me, screamed, and then threw his sippy cup half way across the room. THEN, he smacked my hand.
He said he wanted to go ni night, so I put him in his crib. He stayed in there and talked to himself for a few minutes. My child gave himself a timeout, what the heck?!
And when I went to get him out, he gave my a hug. He felt bad.

Such a little naughty boy, but still so cute!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

8 Weeks

I have a feeling I am going to be showing a lot sooner with this little one!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Just when I think Parker cannot get any sweeter...

Tonight before dinner we were saying Grace. Right after Garrett and I say "Amen", Parker says "Amen!"
So stinkin cute. He must have caught on by himself, because we don't overly accentuate that word.


More Rock Adventures and a Driving Baby

Gosh this boy is so cute. He is a little rock collector and dirt eater.

And mommy had a little Britney Spears-esque moment when she let Parker drive the car. Don't worry, it was about 10 feet, and we were on our private dirt road. He is a crazy driver, by the way. Who would have thought? :)

Oh Great

We thought we were in trouble when this happened.

But he has taken it to a whole new level. And he thinks it's hilarious...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Parker Adventures

Parker loves going outside now that he can walk around. He has a new found obsession of collecting rocks. He grabs as many as he can in each hand and runs around with them. He is such a little adventurer.

These were from Christmas at Auntie Jen and Uncle Robbie's house. I love how he is so intrigued by Uncle Ryan. So cute.

Holding Uncle Ry's leg.

Garrett was a wii bit excited about this :)

Mmm. Goldfish.

This cracks me up. He looks like a puppy trying to balance a treat on his nose.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sweeping.Birthday.New Year

While I was making dinner tonight, Parker found the broom. He literally swept our kitchen for about an hour. He was talking and laughing and having the greatest time. It was hilarious. And if you know Parker, he does NOT stay occupied with one thing for very long. He is the littlest busy body.

Cinderelly Cinderelly...

I love this picture of Brett. This was at his birthday dinner at Pepe's. He is so embarrassed... classic.

And I forgot to put this up earlier, but this was our new year kiss :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

12 month stats (at 14 months)

We went and saw Dr. Bravo today for Parker's 12 month check up. We had to wait a while because of Parker's surgery, and then Dr. Bravo was out of town for a while.

Anyway... here are our big boy's stats:
32 inches (88th percentile)
26 lbs (85th percentile)

He is going to be tall just like mommy and daddy.

He also had to get his shots which he did not care for at all. He squirmed so much that he got pricked in the leg an extra time! Poor guy. He has 3 spiderman band aids on those cute little legs. And he has a little fever tonight and is kind of cranky :( So he went to bed a little early.

He LOVED pushing around the rolly doctor chair while he was just in his diaper. He was cracking up.

Oh, and we told Dr. Bravo that we are going to have another new patient for him in a few months and he was so excited! He said "when will your next son be here?". Wait what? Just because he has 5 sons doesn't mean I will, right? RIGHT??? :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Hope

One thing that I missed out on when having Parker was getting to go home with him, my baby. In the middle of his second night he was taken from our room to the NICU, and then transferred by ambulance a few hours later to Children's Hospital in Madera. I was released early that second morning so that we could go be with him.
As I was being wheeled out of the hospital, I felt so empty. My baby was not in my arms. He was over 2 hours away from me. I could feel the stares and sympathy from the nurses, and it was not comforting. You always see moms being wheeled out of the hospital carrying their babies, but I didn't get to experience this.

I know that I am lucky that I got to take Parker home a week later, and now I have a completely healthy 14 month old after a 7 day hospital stay and 1 surgery. But I still feel as if I missed out on something.
I know it seems simple, but all I want is for this sweet growing baby to be healthy and to get to come home with us from the hospital.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Baby Needs

I am an extreme planner. I love having things done, or at least thinking about them ahead of time. These are some things that we need before the new baby comes. We plan on buying at least 1 thing a month so that we don't have to buy it all at once.

We will need a toddler bed for Parker. I am in love with this one!

We need a new mattress for the crib. I do not like to take chances with SIDS. So scary.

A double stroller that is compatible with our infant seat. This one looks very cozy.

A breast pump of my very own! I need a good pump to get me through the dreaded pumping. I am really liking this backpack style.

New crib bedding. Parker tore his apart by stepping and jumping on it. I love this one from Pottery Barn Kids.

And a tropical place to send Gramma DeDe and Papa Steve so that they will watch Parker in the morning for the first few weeks so that I can get some sleep and keep my sanity :) Here's to hoping...