Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Not What We Were Expecting.

We just got back from Stanford today. Parker had his 3 month post op appointment this morning. We kind of expected to go in there, the doctor to tell us everything is fine, and then be on our way in a couple minutes.
Not what happened.
We went in there, took Parker's diaper off, and the doctor felt for both of his testes. He found the left one right away, perfect. Then he took a while with the right one. He said he was not happy with the results, and it wasn't down low enough. He said that often times the scar tissue builds up and brings the testicle back up.
So... he said we will need to set up a pre op appointment and a surgery date for 3 months from now.

Garrett and I left angry, confused, and really sad.

I am very thankful that this is what our baby is dealing with, and not something more serious. But as a parent, ANYTHING involving surgery is scary. We just really thought this was over, and apparently we were wrong.
Please let this next time work!


The Days of the Weeks said...

As always...you are in our prayers. Love you!

The Cunninghams said...

Are you serious? I would be so incredibly frustrated! I am so sorry. Your mind should be on other things right now... urg! Well I will be checking your blog as always for updates.

Hudson said...

I'm really sorry. :(

Jason, Liz, and Caroline said...

I'm sorry :( I really hope that it works this time.