Thursday, June 11, 2009

One more update...

Daddy had his surgery on Tuesday, and it went great!
They took out his metal plate and all 11 screws (which he got to take home) :)
Immediately after his surgery he was able to straighten it and bend it... with the help of the anesthesia. He is very sore now, and doesn't feel that great, but we can definitely tell that the surgery did the trick. He should be able to get his range of motion back very quickly with some physical therapy.

Oh, and the first thing he asked for when he woke up was me. The nurse came to get me and told me that Garrett was asking for me, even though he wasn't making sense with anything else he was saying. So sweet :)


DeDe Weeks said...

Parker and Daddy love their Ashlee/Momma!!! :) So glad both of your boys are on the mend.

The Introverted Bookmark said...

That's great that he was able to move it. Hopefully it will be a quick healing process! So sweet that he asked for you.