Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

You have been good to us, you have been bad to us, but we are ready for a fresh start!

The good:
I got to watch my two babies grow into little boys.
Parker was potty trained (it's been almost a year... crazy!)
Parker started preschool, and loves it.
Hudson got to stop his acid reflux medication.
Garrett and I got to take a week long vacation and just enjoy time with each other. (I really need to post pictures... maybe next year ;) )
We have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, and clothes on our bodies.

The bad:
Nana passed away. And seeing Papaw (and our whole family) in so much pain has been heartbreaking.
Watching a friend's baby go through Leukemia. Seeing her hurdles and struggles is just devastatingly sad.

What I'm looking forward to:
Looking in to becoming home owners.
Hopefully getting a niece or nephew from a certain brother and sister in law :)
Having a 2 and 4 year old! When did they get so big??
Taking the boys to the snow next winter.
Celebrating our fifth year of marriage <3

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


In five days we will be sitting right here:

My stomach hurts because I already miss my babies so much. But it is going to do a lot for us to have a week away together with friends. Sleep, drinks, dinner, snorkeling, lounging... all without kids. Sounds refreshing.
We should come back a very relaxed momma and dadda :)