Monday, September 15, 2008


Momma wanted to practice with the camera today because her baby was looking so darn cute.


DeDe Weeks said...

Oh, he's so darn cute - can I go get him up so I can hug and squeeze him!!!???

Anonymous said...

He is a natural model! The camera loves him...

ChristanP said...

Go Mama! Is that your new yard?! ~Allegra

Jason, Liz, and Caroline said...

Those pictures are REALLY great!! And he looks so so cute. Orange is a great color on him :)

The Loughran's said...

Unfortunately, no. We still live at my parent's house. We are moved in, but not living there yet. Our well water smells horrific, so we are waiting on that to get fixed!

The Introverted Bookmark said...

He is so handsome!! Elijah has the same sweatshirt with the skulls. I think its the cutest thing ever. Glad to know you have good taste too! =)